Jan 30 2013:
Good day my lovelies....
This is the usual opening for my video documentation on my adventures.
I have been touring the roads of North America now since 2009, in my Gypsy Caravan pictured above. It was originally in life a Canadian Postal Truck, 1983 Grumnen Olsen. I origianlly chose her, because I would be able to stand up inside without the annoying 'stooping over'.. and would be able to transport my largest pieces of art. That was the thought anyway. When I purchased her, she had just been a picture vehicle in the movie Saving Silverman, the Cowboy Wayne Pest Control truck.
So amazing celebrities such as Jack Black, Neil Diamond, Jason Biggs, Steve Zhan, R. Lee Emergy, Amanda Detmer.... have all been inside my ride! When I watch the movie now, I see my truck had more air time then all the actors... *giggle. I did leave her in her hollywood form for about a week (out of respect) before I made her my own style.
You can see I might have changed her appearance... just a smidge...
She has an entirely Aluminum body, (which is great as she will never rust), and I have reinforced the roof, as it is a patio now for VIP's in parades and awesome viewing of any event. I did for a while have a rooftop garden up there in the front area, but as I go back and forth over the US/Canadian border.. I eventually had to remove that.... something about plants, or dirt depending on which crossing, and new policies (that seemed to change every time I went across). I have had her now since I think 2002 or so... starting to get the foggy memory syndrome me thinks... lol
I get asked all the time, what was the first thing I did to to 'art her up'... well that would be the Cedar planks of wood I attached on the back end, followed by the painting of the body.. and at the same time putting insulation inside, and a floating wood floor.
For the first number of years, my ride served as my 'Gypsy Mermaid Mobile Massage' truck... I set her up with my massage chair, aromatherapy, candles, soothing music, soft velvet on the walls and ceiling... very cozy and peaceful. I had a business going to various film sets (the Chris Isaak Show), govt offices, business towers in the downtown Vancouver area.... and bringing stress relief to busy people everywhere... Very good energy exchange.. but after a short number of years, also very hard on the body, (particularly my wrists). So that chapter for the truck ended.
At this point in time, I moved to Vancouver Island and started a life over there. I went thru the various hoops and red tape to transform my Mobile Massage truck into a specialty coffee truck. Shockingly, the Health Authority frowned upon the red velvet covering the ceiling and walls *gasp. So I had to remove, and traded to a bright red coroplast plastic sheeting for the walls (yes, they were much easy to 'wipe down' in a cleaning procedure.. lol ).
Over the next couple of years I had a designated spot in a scenic park in Nanaimo, to plug into for power and water supply.. serving the people of Nanaimo, from all walks of life, including the park dwellers, festivals, regulars, and friends.
I learned very quickly the ins, outs and gossip of various vendors, their thoughts of municiple govt, policies, competition, gripes, and giggles. Strange energy in Nanaimo at times, as I look back now. I grew my business, by also attending farmers markets, and opening a restaurant in the old city quarter 'Mermaid's Mug'
I hired an amazing and youthful staff, where everyone was immediately trained with all aspects of the business. It was an Arts Mecca where everyone felt they had found 'their home to hang out in'. Musical talents from all over the world sought out the Mermaid's Mug to come and play in... Every possible group of people made it their meeting place.. from political groups, to swingers, Red Hat Ladies, Bellydancers, D & D groups.... yep pretty much enjoyable to all out there. There was dress up karaoke, go go speed dating nights, art workshops, movie nights...I worked my ass off, and I struggled to make it happen...
as is the case in alot of businesses.. it was open for just over 2 years before the plug was pulled financially by my husband at the time.... It was my baby, my dream... and while seemingly successful to sold out nights, jammed packed with happy people... there were also times of a pin dropping and hearing the echo in the emptiness. It cost me more than I am still willing to admit, in debt...and in my marriage... Sadness. But life goes on... and so did I. I briefly continued utilizing my Gypsy Caravan for farmer's markets, and operated as a fresh smoothie/coffee/panini truck touring with the BC Bike Race one year. As the reality of the Mug closing, my marriage ending, the healing process, and a decision to venture back out to the big roads of North America... I sold and gave away near all my possessions... If it didn't fit inside the Gypsy Caravan, it wasn't coming.
So that is the start of the story, from the end of the previous chapters of the Gypsy Caravan's life with me... I will continue the adventures next time... If you are curious, and just can't wait however, here is a link to the book I am writing.. where you can get a sneek peek of more Gypsy Mermaid adventures in 'Sharing Smiles & Giggles'
I also write a column here, at Artcar Nation.com
Enjoy my darlins..
Peace Love and Positive Energy I send to each of you
Michelle aka 'the Gypsy Mermaid'